Tuesday, July 8, 2008

It's Been a While

So I realized that I have really neglected this blog, so I decided that I would post here again. I have recently had a blast from the past by visiting the blogs of a lot of my friends from high school. I cannot believe that I have been gone from good ol' SJ for 6 years now. And boy have those years been full of life. I have lived in Rexburg (unfortunately) for most of that time. However, I did get to live and serve for two glorious years in Japan. What an amazing time. And now I have my best friend with me all the time. Our three year anniversary will be on Aug. 5, just after we get home from my family reunion near Thatcher on Mt. Graham. We are both really excited to be able to see all of our family again... it has been a year for us.

My application process to dental school is going well. I have heard back from 6 of the 12 schools that I applied to saying that they want more information from me. I still haven't heard back from Boston University (which is my top choice as of now), so I am really keeping my fingers crossed. I should start hearing from schools for interviews beginning in September, and I won't hear if I am accepted before December 1. However, by the time we go to SJ for Christmas this year we should know where we will be going for dental school. Needless to say we are both excited and nervous to find out where we will be living for the next four years.

Life is really crazy for us right now. School gets out in two weeks, so I am really busy finishing up the semester, as is Tammy. She has been teaching English 111 on the block this semester, so she has had class daily unlike her normal 3 times a week. Tammy is always keeping busy with her calling as stake primary president (she had to speak three times last month in ward conferences hahaha). I too have been kept busy with my calling in the bishopric. But, I am getting released from that this week because I was called to the high council in our stake. This means that for the first time in almost two years I will get to sit with Tammy during sacrament meeting! We are both really excited for that. Also, I will only have meetings twice a month instead of twice a week. For the 4th of July weekend, my parents came up so my dad could ordain me a high priest. It was so nice to see them. Normally we see them once a year, but this year we will see them 3 times! 

I only have one more semester of classes before I graduate, then one semester of internship, so I will graduate with my bachelors in business (and minors in Chemistry and Biology) in April of next year. I am so ready to be done. Tammy is really ready for me to be done as well since she graduated over a year ago and has had to stay in Rexburg for me. Wow, she really loves me to do that! We will leave next year in about July or August. Again, I am hoping that we will be going to Boston. Since we don't have any kids yet, we figured that it would be a great time to live away from family if we are ever going to do it. But, we will have to wait and see if we get accepted to a school in Boston.

Life is great! we are both healthy and happy, as are our families. What more could we ask for. We can't wait to see our families at our reunions this summer, and hope to see some friends while there too.


Kachelle said...

Hey, this is Kachelle. I found your blogg through Tiffany's. I'm so glad you're doing so well! Good luck with getting in to Boston! I have my blogg set to private so e-mail me and i'll send you an invite! mcshelly21@hotmail.com

meng said...

BOSTON? what about vegas?

taytum said...

Okay, so are you going to write on here or on your other website, because I would really like to keep up on how you and your wife are? Well, that is....if you don't mind! I am glad that you found me. I love hearing how my old friends are doing. We are super excited about having this baby. We were wanting a baby for a while, and then we got him at a time that we felt we were least prepared it seemed....so I'm guessing that you and your wife will get a baby the second you find out you are going to Boston or somewhere else equally far away.


The Office