Monday, February 1, 2010

A Note From Tammy

Matt doesn't update his blog very often (blame dental school), so I'm taking charge of this one post (as well as the background--I hope my choice wasn't too girly). It will likely be the "new" one for a while. ;)

We decided to make my blog private, which I realize may be a frustration if you're trying to keep up on our family. (Trust me--I know. I always hate to discover that a friend's blog is private and I have no way to ask for an invite. A big oversight in Blogger's design for private blogs, if you ask me.)

And so I wanted to leave a little note here for any friends & family who want access to my blog (which has more frequent updates). Please send me an email (or a Facebook message) if you would like an invitation. If you don't have my email or Facebook, leave a comment on this post and I'll add you as soon as I notice it.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience!


PS: Matt rocks!!!


The Office