Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Well I have obtained an internship for the winter semester! I am really excited. It is with the Eastern Idaho Low-Income Dental Clinic. I will be the business intern. I am not sure of all the responsibilities that I will have, but I know that I will be making appointments, making sure we have dentists available and in charge of ordering materials. It is an unpaid internship so I will still be working at my job on campus. I am hoping that this will look good on my resume and on my applications to dental school. I am getting really excited to graduate, even though it is still over a year away. It feels like it is so close. I have decided to take the DAT on January 30. That way I will have more time to study. 

Life is going great for Tammy too. She is really enjoying her calling and her teaching. Next semester she is going to teach two sections, and I know that she will do a great job. She is the greatest thing in my life. I love her so much. Other than that there is not much to report. Life is great. We love you all!



The Office